Independence Day was celebrated in Shigally Hill International Academy with great enthusiasm and patriotic spirit. The school campus was beautifully decorated with tricolor flags and flowers. All the students and teachers gathered on the school premises at 9:30 am The celebration featured a dignified flag hoisting ceremony by the Director Mrs. Mamta Singh, Principal Mrs. Anjana Kapoor, Chief Administrative Officer Mr. Chandan Rai, which was followed by the singing of the National anthem. The students performed March-past with the National flag to pay tribute to their motherland.
Thereafter the celebration moved ahead with the singing of patriotic songs and dance performances by the school students.
The school’s Director Mrs. Mamta Singh delivered a power-packed speech, in which she emphasized the importance of bonding, unity, and patriotism. The whole atmosphere was charged with a sense of pride as the school community came together to commemorate the nation’s freedom.
In the end, sweets were distributed to everyone.