Best Girls Boarding School In Dehradun

Best Girls Boarding School In Dehradun | Admission Open For 2025-2026 | Admission Open For Class I to IX & XI

Boarding Life

Boarding Life

Boarding Life At Shigally

“Life at boarding school makes you independent, virtuous, and self-conscious “.

SIA girls go through the boarding life with utmost contentment, sharing each other’s experiences in a positive manner and the parents feel confident that their daughters are safe and part of a happy family and community.




Life Skills





Career Counselling




Both the dormitories are supervised by the House Mothers.

Girls are taught how to value themselves in society and cultural values are imbibed in girls through constant counseling and motivational sessions.

Support Staff is present-day and night to assist the House mothers.

For entertainment purposes, each dormitory floor has a common room to view the Television, pleasure reading, and play indoor games.

Girls forge great friendships with their peer groups, learning to be independent and at the same time developing a mutual support system.

A student becomes self-sufficient and independent in the ‘Gurukul’ form of education. In Shigally, the students ought to maintain health and hygiene by washing their own intimate clothes.